Most people aren't really using natural formulas for hair growth to their full advantage. One of the many that you should really make use of is olive oil.
Oh yeah it's not only a great aid to bringing out the terrific flavors in your favorite dishes, it's also a quick way to make your hair really start to grow.
Olive oil acts as a really great degreasing agent for lifting trapped dirt and oil from your scalp pores. In the process of doing this, you'll make more breathing room for your follicles.
You only need to massage this oil into your scalp about three days out of the week, preferably at night. Allow it to stay on overnight, and then rinse out with a mild shampoo the following morning.
You may be asking "why do I really need to use olive oil and not my favorite shampoo"? Most shampoo that you'll find work to get rid of dirt and oil, but they levae behind residue that you can't see with the naked eye.
In fact you'll discover that they are packed with a ton of ingredients that are really chemically-induced. These harsh chemicals will dry the hair and scalp out and lead to significant amounts of hair loss over time.
A very quick and cheap way to get the most out of your natural hair-growing efforts is to follow the lead of what others have used to get their hair back. This is the kind of advice found in The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss. Take a look and learn what awaits you in the world of natural hair growth.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Natural Tip For Fighting Thin Hair Faster

Fighting thin hair can be one of the hardest things to battle. There are literally a ton of things on the market that all claim to be able to make your hair grow back fuller and thicker.
Hair loss is a billion dollar industry and it continues to grow as there are helpless folks looking for that one cure for this nagging problem. Well what have you tried already in an attempt to thicken your hair?
Like some you may have tried a few over-the-counter drugs and topical solutions. Of course these aren't all that many hype them up to be. Usually you'll get some type of side effect such as headaches or even sexual health problems from using them.
On top of that they can get quite costly and not many of us are willing to spend hundreds or thousands on treatments for baldness. This is why some are tossing the bottles in the trash and deciding to go natural.
Now what I mean by natural is that they aren't leaving the problem by itself and hoping that it will correct itself. Some have tapped into a few unique natural methods proven to work against alopecia and thinning of the hair.
One of the biggest reasons people lose hair isn't tied to heredity. It's a lack of the right nutrients because of a poor diet, and sometimes even due to a lack of blood flow within the scalp.
So if you can correctly target these root causes, you'll end up with a nice head of hair in absolutely no time. Consider applying a few drops of olive oil to your hair and massaging it in. Leave it in overnight and then rinse out in the morning.
This one common food ingredient is enough to zap away harmful bacteria that can lead to hair loss. At the same time it provides your scalp with what it needs in order to prepare for added hair growth.
If you're into natural hair-growing methods that will save you a ton of money and actually work to regrow your hair, I strongly advise you to take a look at The Ultimate Guide To Hair Loss.
This guide helped me and will surely help you to discover all of the many natural methods very few know about to stop hair loss for good.
Regrowing Hair Starts With What You Eat

You can do various things to help increase the growth of your hair and even stop hair loss. But if you're not giving the foods you eat any thought, you might be out of luck.
We all have our favorite foods right? Pizza, fish, cakes, chocolates you name it I'm sure someone somewhere has a favorite out of those categories. There's only one problem and it's quite obvious. These foods depending on how they are prepared, aren't always heathy.
More times than not they are fat-producing and will lead to various health problems if eaten in excess. Even hair loss is triggered by certain foods individuals consume. Ever took notice of how many obese people are also those with short hair or who are bald?
There is a connection between your diet and hair loss. You don't have to go on some extreme diet just to regrow hair or anything like that. You just have to make some changes in what you're eating and get more of the good stuff. What's the good stuff?
Lean meats such as chicken or turkey that's grilled, almonds, soy products, even fresh veggies like leafy green turnips. These are the foods you want to consider. There are tons more, but basically any food that contains vitamins A, C, D, E or minerals like magnesium, zinc and copper are going to do you a whole lot of good.
As children we were told to eat our veggies and we didn't understand why mom said that. Now you have a real reason to start eating what's necessary if you want to regrow your hair.
Many people want more hair but just don't know how to get it. Thankfully there are inexpensive guides like Eat For More Hair that are designed to show you what foods actually make your hair grow fast. They even stop further hair loss too.
Give this guide a lookover. It helped me and I'm sure it'll help you as well in your efforts to stop losing hair.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Using Foods To Fight Hair Loss

As you probably already know, eating the right foods can actually aid in regrowing your hair, as well as fighting hair loss.
This is not something that most people give much consideration when attempting to stop this nagging problem. Well listen up, if you really want to start making your hair grow back naturally and you want it done fast, you need to eat the right foods.
The best part of all is that you do not have to start up on some strict diet that leaves you hungry all the time. Nor do you have to give up your favorite foods. You just have to make some simple changes in what you eat.
I happened to run into a great guide that showed me exactly what to do in order to make your hair grow back just from eating certain foods.
It's called Eat For More Hair and it allowed me to make one trip to the supermarket for some "secret foods" that led to incredible results.
Iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and various trace minerals are needed by your hair follicles so that they can grow. Bad news is that most of the food we eat on a daily basis don't contain enough or any at all.
Well this guide demonstrated to me exactly what I had been doing wrong in my diet. Even went so far as to show me where to purchase these amazing foods so that I could save money in the process.
I strongly urge you to check out Eat For More Hair. It's priced so ridiculously low anyone could afford it on their last dime. Definitely give it a look and don't forget to browse around this blog for more great tips.
Natural Hair Growth Made Simple

It's without a doubt that with so many products failing to produce results in hair growth, many people are just plain giving up.
Maybe you've felt that way and I know that I have as well. That was until I stumbled upon the use of several unique, natural techniques and remedies that actually worked.
Things like increased circulation in the scalp, the use of essential oils, even the types of shampoo you use are highly important.
It's not hard to stop hair loss or get your hair to start growing back. Yes of course it is and will continue to be hard if you rely on those useless hair loss drugs, shampoos, and laser treatments.
This is why I strongly urge anyone who has noticed their hair starting to fall out or has lost hair for a while to take a look at The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss.
I stumbled upon this unique guide as I was searching online looking for a way to regrow my hair naturally. Like you I got tired of all the "gimmicky stuff" just not working for me.
What I found in this guide was a unique approach to stimulating hair growth without laying a single finger on anything but natural aids.
Seriously you could head over to your local supermarket and grab a few ingredients for under $12.00 and have all you will ever need to make your hair grow back.
I put together this blog with a few tips and helpful advice from this guide. Take a look around and take in this information. But remember if you want some real methods that are known to get your hair growing back in just a matter of weeks, check out The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Real Reason No One Ever Stops Hair Loss
Ever set out on a project that you knew you had to complete by a certain date? Boy it can get really really tough at times.
You get distracted and things get behind. Seems like no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to get anything done. It's like a never-ending tunnel, you see the light ahead but it keeps getting farther and farther away.
Most people that set out on a quest to regrow their hair find this to be quite similar. So they hear good news about a product. Doesn't really matter if they don't keep using it right?
Or maybe they've stumbled upon some great techniques they can apply that just might work in regrowing their hair naturally. Don't apply them they won't work and you'll never see hair.
I could sum up everything I've said in one word . . . .
"Procrastination". It can be a really big problem in all areas of life, including that of hair loss. Your hair is constantly falling out. Maybe not falling out at a rate where you literally see the hairs coming out of the scalp, but they are falling out slowly.
Don't let time slip away from you, do something about it. If you need help with it then seek out the help of a product such as "The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss". Whatever you do don't give up and you'll soon start to see results.
You get distracted and things get behind. Seems like no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to get anything done. It's like a never-ending tunnel, you see the light ahead but it keeps getting farther and farther away.
Most people that set out on a quest to regrow their hair find this to be quite similar. So they hear good news about a product. Doesn't really matter if they don't keep using it right?
Or maybe they've stumbled upon some great techniques they can apply that just might work in regrowing their hair naturally. Don't apply them they won't work and you'll never see hair.
I could sum up everything I've said in one word . . . .
"Procrastination". It can be a really big problem in all areas of life, including that of hair loss. Your hair is constantly falling out. Maybe not falling out at a rate where you literally see the hairs coming out of the scalp, but they are falling out slowly.
Don't let time slip away from you, do something about it. If you need help with it then seek out the help of a product such as "The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss". Whatever you do don't give up and you'll soon start to see results.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Plugged Hair Follicles - Avoid The Danger Of Thin Hair
Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen. Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to keep your hair full, thick, or from thinning.
There are various ways to keep your hair clean, shiny, and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out, here are some hair remedies that you can use.
When your hair starts to thin down, three of the reasons are:
* Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out
* Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong
* Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp
I will cover only the first of the two items.
Plugged Hair Follicles
Just like acne, your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle, which leads to an infection known as a pimple.
When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp, the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time, your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.
So the secret to preventing hair loss, thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug, you can avoid or counteract those conditions.
Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.
* Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles
* Use of shampoos, conditioners, and gels that contain excessive un-natural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles
* Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.
DHT Build Up in Your Follicle
It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.
Un-natural Shampoo and Conditioners
Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels are created using petrochemicals, un-natural additives, dyes, preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.
In addition, these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle, they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.
Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals
Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking
Some people have oily hair and some dry. When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt, dead scalp cells, and shampoo chemical residues.
Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.
To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open, use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel, 99% pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.
Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further. Want to know more? The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss is a comprehensive manual detailing many dangers and pitfalls to avoid in order to keep your hair.
There are various ways to keep your hair clean, shiny, and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out, here are some hair remedies that you can use.
When your hair starts to thin down, three of the reasons are:
* Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out
* Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong
* Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp
I will cover only the first of the two items.
Plugged Hair Follicles
Just like acne, your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle, which leads to an infection known as a pimple.
When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp, the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time, your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.
So the secret to preventing hair loss, thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug, you can avoid or counteract those conditions.
Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.
* Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles
* Use of shampoos, conditioners, and gels that contain excessive un-natural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles
* Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.
DHT Build Up in Your Follicle
It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.
Un-natural Shampoo and Conditioners
Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels are created using petrochemicals, un-natural additives, dyes, preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.
In addition, these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle, they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.
Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals
Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking
Some people have oily hair and some dry. When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt, dead scalp cells, and shampoo chemical residues.
Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.
To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open, use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel, 99% pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.
Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further. Want to know more? The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss is a comprehensive manual detailing many dangers and pitfalls to avoid in order to keep your hair.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How Not To Struggle With Hair Loss
Men aren't the only ones looking for a cure for hair loss. Some women are also affected. One solution is delving into the Internet for answers. Cyberspace will provide you with a number of solutions to this confidence-breaking problem. You can even sift through a variety of reviews posted by individuals who have tried specific products.
Depending on what you're willing to spend, there is surely a cure for hair loss suitable to you. I recall when my older brother began losing his dew toward the end of high school. I felt awkward about this I must admit. Why do some guys start losing their hair at such a tender age? Much actually depends on genetics and stress. I'm guessing it was stress in this case since my mother's father has a full head of hair.
If you watch television, then you've most likely spotted a hair loss commercial or two. Those sometimes quirky, yet cheesy ads don't offer much solace when we start going bald up top or the forehead starts to expand. Luckily there are quality solutions at hand. Products that naturally regrow hair are great sources.
The good news is many of these products are effective, but not so expensive these days. You can get your hair back. You just need to exhaust your resources in order to pinpoint that perfect cure for hair loss.
This certainly is the simplest choice, but it doesn't have to be your only option. You can find an effective cure for hair loss if you do your homework. In the cosmetically advanced world we currently reside in, there's no reason why you have to take your hair loss like a man.
Are you in desperate search of a cure for hair loss? Many men across the world are going through a daily struggle with hair loss. The inevitable affliction sadly becomes a reality for many of us. Although most men do not prefer a bald scalp, some are taking this route and avoiding the struggle altogether.
This can be helpful in your search for the right and ideal cure for hair loss. You've simply got to love the Internet. If you discover an over-the-counter cure for hair loss, you can likely pick it up at any corner drug store.
I encourage you to check out the Big Three Package, a collection of hair loss information and resources that many people are using to naturally restore their hair.
Depending on what you're willing to spend, there is surely a cure for hair loss suitable to you. I recall when my older brother began losing his dew toward the end of high school. I felt awkward about this I must admit. Why do some guys start losing their hair at such a tender age? Much actually depends on genetics and stress. I'm guessing it was stress in this case since my mother's father has a full head of hair.
If you watch television, then you've most likely spotted a hair loss commercial or two. Those sometimes quirky, yet cheesy ads don't offer much solace when we start going bald up top or the forehead starts to expand. Luckily there are quality solutions at hand. Products that naturally regrow hair are great sources.
The good news is many of these products are effective, but not so expensive these days. You can get your hair back. You just need to exhaust your resources in order to pinpoint that perfect cure for hair loss.
This certainly is the simplest choice, but it doesn't have to be your only option. You can find an effective cure for hair loss if you do your homework. In the cosmetically advanced world we currently reside in, there's no reason why you have to take your hair loss like a man.
Are you in desperate search of a cure for hair loss? Many men across the world are going through a daily struggle with hair loss. The inevitable affliction sadly becomes a reality for many of us. Although most men do not prefer a bald scalp, some are taking this route and avoiding the struggle altogether.
This can be helpful in your search for the right and ideal cure for hair loss. You've simply got to love the Internet. If you discover an over-the-counter cure for hair loss, you can likely pick it up at any corner drug store.
I encourage you to check out the Big Three Package, a collection of hair loss information and resources that many people are using to naturally restore their hair.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Rosemary Hair Treatment
Wanted to take the time to point out to you a great treatment called the Rosemary Hair Treatment. It uses that of Rosemary essential oil coupled with Jojoba essential oil. It makes for a nice home hair loss remedy you can apply for great results.
Here is the recipe to follow below:
3/4 tsp. rosemary essential oil.
3/4 tsp. jojoba essential oil.
Mix in a blender until smooth, apply to scalp and allow to remain for several hours. Wash and style hair as usual.
This is pretty basic but don't be fooled, it works wonders for a lot of people. When it comes to things like this, you need a detailed guide to show you the best ones to use and how and why they work so well.
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss couldn't be a better source and if such things as natural remedies interest you, it's worth the look.
Here is the recipe to follow below:
3/4 tsp. rosemary essential oil.
3/4 tsp. jojoba essential oil.
Mix in a blender until smooth, apply to scalp and allow to remain for several hours. Wash and style hair as usual.
This is pretty basic but don't be fooled, it works wonders for a lot of people. When it comes to things like this, you need a detailed guide to show you the best ones to use and how and why they work so well.
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss couldn't be a better source and if such things as natural remedies interest you, it's worth the look.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Defeat Stress - Bring In More Hair
Stress affects all of us every now and then. It's even believed that stress can cause you to lose your hair.
There are actually two types of hair loss that usually are affected by stress. Telogen effluvium which is the least harmful, and alopecia areata.
With telogen effluvium the hair lies dormant and just basically sits there without growing. As with alopecia areata it's usually something that involves an attack with your white blood cells that affect your hair follicles.
We all get stress out, there really isn't a complete way around this. But there are some things you can do to ease it.
Failure to do so could cause more of your hairs to fall into the resting phase. After the resting phase occurs your hair falls out.
Examine various things in your life that you could possibly do to reduce stress and thus easily reduce your hair loss.
It could be as simple as going to bed earlier, reading a book, taking a soothing bath, you get the point. Basically do things that will allow you to enjoy life and never give up in your efforts to regrow more hair.
It's very possible and I personally must say it's rewarding.
There are actually two types of hair loss that usually are affected by stress. Telogen effluvium which is the least harmful, and alopecia areata.
With telogen effluvium the hair lies dormant and just basically sits there without growing. As with alopecia areata it's usually something that involves an attack with your white blood cells that affect your hair follicles.
We all get stress out, there really isn't a complete way around this. But there are some things you can do to ease it.
Failure to do so could cause more of your hairs to fall into the resting phase. After the resting phase occurs your hair falls out.
Examine various things in your life that you could possibly do to reduce stress and thus easily reduce your hair loss.
It could be as simple as going to bed earlier, reading a book, taking a soothing bath, you get the point. Basically do things that will allow you to enjoy life and never give up in your efforts to regrow more hair.
It's very possible and I personally must say it's rewarding.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Is Natural Hair Growth Really Possible?
Thanks for taking the time to click over to my blog. Hope you found the article you just read somewhat informative. If so you'll find the information contained on this blog to be even better.
Is natural hair growth really possible? This is a BIG question on the minds of many people just like you. All of those failing products on the market have left many people to be skeptics about them.
Can't blame them right? And what gets me is that these things are so expensive! Well I'm living proof that hair loss can be a problem easily fixed the natural way.
At age 22 I began to lose hairs in astronomical rates. It wasn't until 6 years later I discovered what to do. I want to share these methods with you as well.
They aren't any "secret tactics" or anything like that. They are practical techniques that work. I'm sure you'll find them to be quite effective as well. If you're in a hurry to get your hands on some exclusive information tools I designed, you can check out The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss.
You can also take the time and download my FREE report. This report will show you some things you probably didn't know about what makes hair grow and what makes it fall out.
Is natural hair growth really possible? This is a BIG question on the minds of many people just like you. All of those failing products on the market have left many people to be skeptics about them.
Can't blame them right? And what gets me is that these things are so expensive! Well I'm living proof that hair loss can be a problem easily fixed the natural way.
At age 22 I began to lose hairs in astronomical rates. It wasn't until 6 years later I discovered what to do. I want to share these methods with you as well.
They aren't any "secret tactics" or anything like that. They are practical techniques that work. I'm sure you'll find them to be quite effective as well. If you're in a hurry to get your hands on some exclusive information tools I designed, you can check out The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss.
You can also take the time and download my FREE report. This report will show you some things you probably didn't know about what makes hair grow and what makes it fall out.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy - New Technique
Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.
First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.
In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don’t grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.
In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.
This may be quite expensive I'm sure, so why not take advantage of a more practical approach that's sure to fit your budget right now.
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss is sure to enlighten you on some amazing techniques all 100% natural, yet aren't being revealed anywhere else.
First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.
In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don’t grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.
In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.
This may be quite expensive I'm sure, so why not take advantage of a more practical approach that's sure to fit your budget right now.
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss is sure to enlighten you on some amazing techniques all 100% natural, yet aren't being revealed anywhere else.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Chinese Herbs Provide Promise Of Hair Loss Cure

A recent media broadcast on UK televison as part of an experiment to cure alopecia and treat thinning hair and baldness uncovered the beneficial factors of using chinese herbs in treating alopecia.
There are a number of Chinese herbs that can be beneficial for this condition. Chinese medicine treats the root imbalances in the body that result in alopecia. When the body is brought into balance, symptoms resolve themselves and slowly disappear.
The first is a pattern of Liver and Kidney Deficiency. This means that the energy of the body that normally nourishes the hair follicles is deficient.
When herbs are used to nourish the Liver and Kidney, hair can start to grow back. The second pattern is toxic heat in the body. This means that there is an inflammatory condition in the body that is a result of excess acidity from a poor diet, exposure to pollution or other toxins, or an infection. In most people with alopecia areata, these two conditions exist in combination with each other.
It is necessary to reduce inflammation and acidity in the body while nourishing the cooling yin energy of the body that nourishes hair growth.
He Shou Wu, polygonum otherwise known Fo-ti, is one herb that can be beneficial for people with alopecia areata.
This herb has been used traditionally in China for graying hair and premature hair loss. It is a general tonic for the brain and the body, and can improve the quality of hair growth on the head. It can take three to six months of use to see the full benefits of Fo-ti. The Chinese have also traditionally used this herb as a longevity tonic.
Ligustrum and eclipta are also two Chinese herbs used to nourish hair growth by strengthening the Liver and Kidney Yin energy of the body. Research done in China have shown that these herbs can promote hair growth in people with alopecia areata.
Chinese wolfberries are also a general body tonic that improve blood circulation to hair follicles of the head. This herb can work well in combination with the herbs listed above.
In order to clear the inflammation and acidity that can trigger alopecia, mint, dandelion, and honeysuckle herbs can be used in combination.
Some supplements that may be of benefit in combination with Chinese herbs include vitamin C, flaxseed oil, and nettle tea. All of these are anti-inflammatory and detoxifying to the body. Eating black beans and black sesame seeds can also be helpful when taken alongside Chinese herbs.
Chinese herbs are a safe, natural, effective, health-promoting way to treat alopecia areata and increase hair growth.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Why I Personally Gave Up On Hair Loss Products
If you've ever read any of my articles or come across my websites for hair loss, you'll find that I'm a strong advocate for natural hair growth.
I gave up on all of those hair loss products years ago after spending thousands of dollars and time on things that plain out just failed to work.
I would use this product and that product in an attempt to get my hair back, and all I ended up with was nothing more than a few peach fuzz hairs here and there.
After about a year or two of trying all sorts of things, I stumbled upon some things that actually SHOCKED me to pieces.
A friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while told me about some things regarding hair loss that I just had to apply.
What did I do? . . . .
I heeded his advice and did my own research on a few other things. To my amazement I learned EXACTLY why my hair was coming out. All of these years I thought it was just heredity.
But nope, that wasn't it either. My body was missing a few key ingredients essential to hair loss. Also I wasn't using a little-known method for regrowing my hair.
This is why I strongly urge you to do what you can to regrow your hair naturally. I'm here to help. If there is any information you want to read more about concerning hair loss, just shoot me an email and I'll see to it that I get back with you.
I gave up on all of those hair loss products years ago after spending thousands of dollars and time on things that plain out just failed to work.
I would use this product and that product in an attempt to get my hair back, and all I ended up with was nothing more than a few peach fuzz hairs here and there.
After about a year or two of trying all sorts of things, I stumbled upon some things that actually SHOCKED me to pieces.
A friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while told me about some things regarding hair loss that I just had to apply.
What did I do? . . . .
I heeded his advice and did my own research on a few other things. To my amazement I learned EXACTLY why my hair was coming out. All of these years I thought it was just heredity.
But nope, that wasn't it either. My body was missing a few key ingredients essential to hair loss. Also I wasn't using a little-known method for regrowing my hair.
This is why I strongly urge you to do what you can to regrow your hair naturally. I'm here to help. If there is any information you want to read more about concerning hair loss, just shoot me an email and I'll see to it that I get back with you.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Natural DHT Blockers You Can Benefit From
What we know as Dihydrotestosterone or DHT, is a hormone synthesized from male testosterone. Androgenetic Alopecia or Male Pattern Balding is indicated by an increased level of DHT in the scalp. This increase causes unsightly bald patches, increased hair fall, receding hairlines and other common signs of balding.
5-Alpha Reductase - an enzyme naturally produced in the human body, reacts with testosterone to produce DHT. Common Natural DHT Blockers or DHT Inhibitors like Procerin, Advecia, Avacor, are popular natural DHT Blockers and exhibit the capacity to block the synthesis of testosterone into DHT by inhibiting the 5-Aplha Reductase activity.
The only natural DHT Blocker specially suited for male pattern balding and hair loss in men is Procerin. Men of all ages and at all stages of hair loss can benefit from Procerin which has been tested and found to have no side effects. .
Other topical treatments like Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox also lay claim to minimizing or blocking the amount of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production.
Procerin is for male hair loss. An exclusive natural DHT blocker for men it focuses on the reducing DHT in the scalp region where DHT binds with follicular tissue to inhibit hair regrowth and cause hair fall.
Procerin, with Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and more as its ingredients, is a mix of natural DHT blockers, vitamins and herbal/mineral supplements.
Procerin with its various vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts blocks DHT naturally and encourages hair regrowth as well.The factors responsible for hair loss in men, which generally starts around 18 years and goes well into the late thirties, could be either genetic, dietary, lifestyle oriented or due to medication.
Procerin, used early, ensures the best possible results. Procerin is an all natural hair regrowth supplement and a natural DHT Blocker which combines more than seventeen ingredients and is consumable as a pill form or applicable as a topical solution on the scalp.
5-Alpha Reductase - an enzyme naturally produced in the human body, reacts with testosterone to produce DHT. Common Natural DHT Blockers or DHT Inhibitors like Procerin, Advecia, Avacor, are popular natural DHT Blockers and exhibit the capacity to block the synthesis of testosterone into DHT by inhibiting the 5-Aplha Reductase activity.
The only natural DHT Blocker specially suited for male pattern balding and hair loss in men is Procerin. Men of all ages and at all stages of hair loss can benefit from Procerin which has been tested and found to have no side effects. .
Other topical treatments like Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox also lay claim to minimizing or blocking the amount of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production.
Procerin is for male hair loss. An exclusive natural DHT blocker for men it focuses on the reducing DHT in the scalp region where DHT binds with follicular tissue to inhibit hair regrowth and cause hair fall.
Procerin, with Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and more as its ingredients, is a mix of natural DHT blockers, vitamins and herbal/mineral supplements.
Procerin with its various vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts blocks DHT naturally and encourages hair regrowth as well.The factors responsible for hair loss in men, which generally starts around 18 years and goes well into the late thirties, could be either genetic, dietary, lifestyle oriented or due to medication.
Procerin, used early, ensures the best possible results. Procerin is an all natural hair regrowth supplement and a natural DHT Blocker which combines more than seventeen ingredients and is consumable as a pill form or applicable as a topical solution on the scalp.
Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance?
The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.
If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!
Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.
Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major companies can afford. Even the biggest companies could not recoup the costs of such a process as no-one can control the rights to common natural substances such as basic foods and vitamins.
The big question however is, do natural hair loss remedies work? Firstly, hair growth at root level is a living part of the body that depends on sound nutrition, just like any other part of the body. The importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in maintaining healthy hair cannot be disputed.
Secondly, the role of herbs and plants in treating numerous ailments is receiving increased recognition after years of neglect, and hair loss is no exception. Many herbal remedies for both internal and external use are offering new hope to people suffering from premature hair loss.
Thirdly, traditional hair loss remedies may still have something to offer. Ancient literature and folklore reveal that our ancestors went to great lengths to treat thinning hair. Some of the more acceptable traditional approaches are now being incorporated into many potential treatment regimes.
NOTE: For more details on home remedies that stimulate hair growth, check out "Using Home Remedies For Hair Growth".
If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!
Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.
Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major companies can afford. Even the biggest companies could not recoup the costs of such a process as no-one can control the rights to common natural substances such as basic foods and vitamins.
The big question however is, do natural hair loss remedies work? Firstly, hair growth at root level is a living part of the body that depends on sound nutrition, just like any other part of the body. The importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in maintaining healthy hair cannot be disputed.
Secondly, the role of herbs and plants in treating numerous ailments is receiving increased recognition after years of neglect, and hair loss is no exception. Many herbal remedies for both internal and external use are offering new hope to people suffering from premature hair loss.
Thirdly, traditional hair loss remedies may still have something to offer. Ancient literature and folklore reveal that our ancestors went to great lengths to treat thinning hair. Some of the more acceptable traditional approaches are now being incorporated into many potential treatment regimes.
NOTE: For more details on home remedies that stimulate hair growth, check out "Using Home Remedies For Hair Growth".
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hereditary Hair Loss - Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment Options
The ordinary kind of hair loss, called hereditary hair loss, can affect both men and women, but women are usually affected less than men. The condition is so common that it nearly can be regarded as a part of the normal aging process.
The pattern of hair loss and baldness are different for men and women. On men special areas on the head begin get totally bald. These areas are usually at both sides of the front, and the top back side of the head. The hair loss then progresses with these areas extending, and at last most of the head can be totally without hair. However, a great area in the neck uses to remain unaffected and keeps a thick hair cover. The same is usually true about the area in front of each ear.
On women all the hair on the head begins thinning, and then gradually progress over the whole head for many years. Women seldom get totally bald areas on their head, but the hair often gets so thin that the scalp is clearly visible through the hair.
The skin has there layers: The outer layer, called epidermis, consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. At the bottom there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mostly of fat cells.
The skin has narrow pores, hair follicles, extending from the surface down to the top of the sub-dermis, called hair follicles. A hair extend from a growth zone in the bottom of each hair follicle and out at the skin surface
By the common form of hair loss, a substance in the body, dihydroxy-testosterone (DHT), gives a signal to the cells in the hair follicles that make these cells divide less so that the production of hair slows or stops.
DHT is a metabolic product from testosterone, the male sex hormone. Also women have some amount of testosterone and DHT in their body, and therefore hair loss also affects women.
Only cells that are susceptible to the influence from DHT will slow the growth process. This susceptibility is inherited from the parents by some individuals, and not by other. Follicle cells in the lower parts of the head are usually also resistant against the influence from DHT, and therefore these areas seldom get bald.
The effectiveness of hair growth will not only be affected by DHT. Other substances found in the tissue may give the cells signals to divide more, and nutrients like vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids may make the growth process more effective. Some substances in the tissue may also block the DHT or ease the removal of this substance. Therefore all individuals susceptible to the influence of DHT will not lose hair in the same extent.
Having a good diet giving the body vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants in the right amount may slow down the speed of hair loss.
There exist pharmacological products on the market that can help against hair loss, but usually not 100% effectively. Medicines used to treat prostate hypertrophy also have been proven to stop hair loss and to get hair to regain, because these drugs block the substance DHT. Propecia is a prescription bound drug to take by mouth based on an original prostate medicine.
Rogain is a topical drug to apply 2-3 times each day that does not block the DHT, but stimulates the hair follicles cells to proliferate better.
There are many natural products on the market to help against hair loss. These products often contain several substances working together by different principles.
They may contain vitamins or minerals that are necessary for hair growth. Other substances give signals to the hair follicles to increase hair growth, for example procyanidin B2. Some ingredients work as anti-oxidants that inhibit oxidative attack on the follicle cells, like L-arginine.
Some natural products also contain substances to block DHT. Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.
Still other ingredients can reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Grean tea extract have shown itself to contain substances with this effect.
Surgery is an effective treatment against baldness in limited areas. By surgery hair follicles from parts of the scull immune to DHT are moved to bold areas. The hair in the treated areas will however not get as tight as naturally growing hair.
It is also possible to implant artificial hair into the scalp. By this method, large bald areas can be covered, but the treatment implies a certain danger for infection, requires good hair hygiene afterwards and requires a regular refill to replace lost hairs.
The pattern of hair loss and baldness are different for men and women. On men special areas on the head begin get totally bald. These areas are usually at both sides of the front, and the top back side of the head. The hair loss then progresses with these areas extending, and at last most of the head can be totally without hair. However, a great area in the neck uses to remain unaffected and keeps a thick hair cover. The same is usually true about the area in front of each ear.
On women all the hair on the head begins thinning, and then gradually progress over the whole head for many years. Women seldom get totally bald areas on their head, but the hair often gets so thin that the scalp is clearly visible through the hair.
The skin has there layers: The outer layer, called epidermis, consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. At the bottom there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mostly of fat cells.
The skin has narrow pores, hair follicles, extending from the surface down to the top of the sub-dermis, called hair follicles. A hair extend from a growth zone in the bottom of each hair follicle and out at the skin surface
By the common form of hair loss, a substance in the body, dihydroxy-testosterone (DHT), gives a signal to the cells in the hair follicles that make these cells divide less so that the production of hair slows or stops.
DHT is a metabolic product from testosterone, the male sex hormone. Also women have some amount of testosterone and DHT in their body, and therefore hair loss also affects women.
Only cells that are susceptible to the influence from DHT will slow the growth process. This susceptibility is inherited from the parents by some individuals, and not by other. Follicle cells in the lower parts of the head are usually also resistant against the influence from DHT, and therefore these areas seldom get bald.
The effectiveness of hair growth will not only be affected by DHT. Other substances found in the tissue may give the cells signals to divide more, and nutrients like vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids may make the growth process more effective. Some substances in the tissue may also block the DHT or ease the removal of this substance. Therefore all individuals susceptible to the influence of DHT will not lose hair in the same extent.
Having a good diet giving the body vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants in the right amount may slow down the speed of hair loss.
There exist pharmacological products on the market that can help against hair loss, but usually not 100% effectively. Medicines used to treat prostate hypertrophy also have been proven to stop hair loss and to get hair to regain, because these drugs block the substance DHT. Propecia is a prescription bound drug to take by mouth based on an original prostate medicine.
Rogain is a topical drug to apply 2-3 times each day that does not block the DHT, but stimulates the hair follicles cells to proliferate better.
There are many natural products on the market to help against hair loss. These products often contain several substances working together by different principles.
They may contain vitamins or minerals that are necessary for hair growth. Other substances give signals to the hair follicles to increase hair growth, for example procyanidin B2. Some ingredients work as anti-oxidants that inhibit oxidative attack on the follicle cells, like L-arginine.
Some natural products also contain substances to block DHT. Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.
Still other ingredients can reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Grean tea extract have shown itself to contain substances with this effect.
Surgery is an effective treatment against baldness in limited areas. By surgery hair follicles from parts of the scull immune to DHT are moved to bold areas. The hair in the treated areas will however not get as tight as naturally growing hair.
It is also possible to implant artificial hair into the scalp. By this method, large bald areas can be covered, but the treatment implies a certain danger for infection, requires good hair hygiene afterwards and requires a regular refill to replace lost hairs.
Nutritional Tips For More Hair
1. Eat adequate amounts of protein.
Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.
Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods.
2. Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates.
Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair.
It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 55-60% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods.
3. Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats.
Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Roughly 25-30% of your daily calories should come from these sources.
4. The right nutritional balance is one that suits your personal circumstances.
How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, sex, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, take account of the following key principles of sound nutrition:
- Eat a variety of foods.
- Apply moderation to your consumption of junk foods.
- Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible.
- Do not over cook.
5. Support a nutritious diet with a few carefully chosen supplements.
Following a nutritious diet is essential for good hair health, but on its own this may not be sufficient for a number of reasons:
- Modern farming methods may deplete the nutrient quality of food.
- High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body.
- Dieting may affect nutrient levels.
- Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients.
- Exercise can deplete some nutrients.
It may be sufficient to supplement with a well-balanced multi-vitamin / mineral product but a number of products are available that specifically cater for the requirements of healthy hair.
Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.
Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods.
2. Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates.
Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair.
It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 55-60% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods.
3. Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats.
Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Roughly 25-30% of your daily calories should come from these sources.
4. The right nutritional balance is one that suits your personal circumstances.
How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, sex, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, take account of the following key principles of sound nutrition:
- Eat a variety of foods.
- Apply moderation to your consumption of junk foods.
- Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible.
- Do not over cook.
5. Support a nutritious diet with a few carefully chosen supplements.
Following a nutritious diet is essential for good hair health, but on its own this may not be sufficient for a number of reasons:
- Modern farming methods may deplete the nutrient quality of food.
- High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body.
- Dieting may affect nutrient levels.
- Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients.
- Exercise can deplete some nutrients.
It may be sufficient to supplement with a well-balanced multi-vitamin / mineral product but a number of products are available that specifically cater for the requirements of healthy hair.
Getting The Scope On Laser Hair Surgery
For some people, the word laser surgery is synonymous wit the word "state-of-the-art". With laser surgery permeating almost any branch of surgery it is not very uncommon to think so. Though laser surgery has shown much promise in other branches of surgery the scene with hair transplant surgery is entirely different.
Not only is laser hair transplant inappropriate for Follicular Unit Transplantation, it is actually detrimental even with different modification of procedure and use of different laser hair settings. Let’s see the rationale behind the difference between hair transplant surgeries and other surgeries where the use of laser has been of much advantage.
The value of laser surgery lies in its properties of "selective photo-thermolysis" (this is the ability to destroy a specific target without injuring the surrounding tissue).
Hair transplant surgery is different in this regard from other surgeries because of the lack of a target tissue. And when one is using laser hair transplant surgery for channel creation for inserting the grafts, it is actually making use of destructive properties of the laser.
The laser hair restoration surgery literally burns a recipient hole in the skin. The tall claims made by laser companies for a new class of laser causing no thermal damage, is anything but true. Regardless of the source and the type, a laser is something which causes thermal damage to the tissue by its high energy.
The laser hair restoration technique always leaves surface change and scarring. Not only this, high energy laser beams used for laser hair transplant may damage hairs existing near the implant site because of burning of the surrounding tissue.
But at the same time it is important to keep in mind the use of laser for hair removal is a different case altogether. Since here the destructive property of laser is put to use, it can be a good option being painless and fast.
There is another drawback of laser hair transplant surgery which is more critical. The high energy of laser beam leads to the closing of the blood vessels. This characteristic feature of the laser beam is useful in other type of surgery where it helps to close wounds and provides quick healing.
The thermal damage caused by the laser hair restoration to the surrounding tissue destroys the collagen and weakens the elastic support around the newly transplanted grafts. It also increases the coagulum (clot) around the graft which, in turn, decreases oxygen perfusion and retards healing.
The uniformly created channels created by laser hair transplant surgery lose all its promise when the laser "loosens" the "snug fit" between the transplanted graft and recipient site. And this is the reason why laser hair restoration results in unpredicted and slow growth of the hair follicle.
The advantage of laser towards decreasing bleeding at the recipient site is also not of much use in case of hair transplantation surgery. A hair transplantation surgeon can decrease bleeding by the use of precision instruments and better hair transplant procedures more effectively than using a laser beam.
Regardless the hair transplant procedure a hair transplant doctor uses, maximizing the growth of a transplant is the one and only aim of any hair transplant surgery. And whatever is the type of implanted graft, whether it is a single follicular units or a group of follicular units, restoring the blood supply to the graft is of utmost importance. And since the laser hair transplant surgery fails to accomplish the vital function of restoring the blood flow, it is to be simply ignored as a hair transplant procedure.
There are many hair transplant centers which boast of laser hair transplant as a painless procedure or as a fast process for hair transplant surgery, are to be totally dismissed. This is an important piece of information which can save you from a fraudulent hair transplant center if you are planning to have a hair transplant surgery done.
Read how to naturally stimulate hair growth by clicking HERE.
Not only is laser hair transplant inappropriate for Follicular Unit Transplantation, it is actually detrimental even with different modification of procedure and use of different laser hair settings. Let’s see the rationale behind the difference between hair transplant surgeries and other surgeries where the use of laser has been of much advantage.
The value of laser surgery lies in its properties of "selective photo-thermolysis" (this is the ability to destroy a specific target without injuring the surrounding tissue).
Hair transplant surgery is different in this regard from other surgeries because of the lack of a target tissue. And when one is using laser hair transplant surgery for channel creation for inserting the grafts, it is actually making use of destructive properties of the laser.
The laser hair restoration surgery literally burns a recipient hole in the skin. The tall claims made by laser companies for a new class of laser causing no thermal damage, is anything but true. Regardless of the source and the type, a laser is something which causes thermal damage to the tissue by its high energy.
The laser hair restoration technique always leaves surface change and scarring. Not only this, high energy laser beams used for laser hair transplant may damage hairs existing near the implant site because of burning of the surrounding tissue.
But at the same time it is important to keep in mind the use of laser for hair removal is a different case altogether. Since here the destructive property of laser is put to use, it can be a good option being painless and fast.
There is another drawback of laser hair transplant surgery which is more critical. The high energy of laser beam leads to the closing of the blood vessels. This characteristic feature of the laser beam is useful in other type of surgery where it helps to close wounds and provides quick healing.
The thermal damage caused by the laser hair restoration to the surrounding tissue destroys the collagen and weakens the elastic support around the newly transplanted grafts. It also increases the coagulum (clot) around the graft which, in turn, decreases oxygen perfusion and retards healing.
The uniformly created channels created by laser hair transplant surgery lose all its promise when the laser "loosens" the "snug fit" between the transplanted graft and recipient site. And this is the reason why laser hair restoration results in unpredicted and slow growth of the hair follicle.
The advantage of laser towards decreasing bleeding at the recipient site is also not of much use in case of hair transplantation surgery. A hair transplantation surgeon can decrease bleeding by the use of precision instruments and better hair transplant procedures more effectively than using a laser beam.
Regardless the hair transplant procedure a hair transplant doctor uses, maximizing the growth of a transplant is the one and only aim of any hair transplant surgery. And whatever is the type of implanted graft, whether it is a single follicular units or a group of follicular units, restoring the blood supply to the graft is of utmost importance. And since the laser hair transplant surgery fails to accomplish the vital function of restoring the blood flow, it is to be simply ignored as a hair transplant procedure.
There are many hair transplant centers which boast of laser hair transplant as a painless procedure or as a fast process for hair transplant surgery, are to be totally dismissed. This is an important piece of information which can save you from a fraudulent hair transplant center if you are planning to have a hair transplant surgery done.
Read how to naturally stimulate hair growth by clicking HERE.
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